Security Surveillance

Surveillance can be simply defined as the close observation of either a person, group of people, different behaviour, activities, infrastructure, and several other objects. This is done for the purpose of either managing, influencing, directing, or for protection.

Drone security as well as drone surveillance in South Africa can be done in a variety of ways, including, but not limited to:

  • GPS tracking
  • Camera observation
  • Stakeouts
  • Data mining as well as profiling
  • Biometric surveillance and several more purposes.


Whereas traditional observational surveillance methods involve stationary cameras which are either handled manually by a person or fixed on a tripod or any other structure, drone security cameras perform surveillance in a more mobile way and involves a sophisticated drone surveillance system for the capturing of data, the representation thereof through video feeds, and review thereof lateron.


While surveillance drones are deployed to monitor people, assets, and behaviour to assess whether action is needed, and when, security drones can be used in a matter that is reactive; ensuring that action can be taken immediately.

UAV is the future of drone security in South Africa as it provides increased visibility, real-time views, faster travel times and the benefit that it is often undetected. Drones for security also come equipped with night and thermal cameras which further increases the efficiency of such uses.

Aerial surveillance drones with night vision cameras also ensure that there is efficient, real-time feeds despite the use for the drone, whether it is used as a home security drone or a farm security drone.

Drone surveillance capabilities are truly limitless, with technology improving at a rapid pace. Drones can be programmed, can distinguish between humans and objects, and drone surveillance systems also have the ability of deploying and landing drones from and on charging pads or docking stations.

Drone security surveillance is the future and to ensure that it is done effectively, the following factors must be considered before choosing a drone:

  • Camera quality
  • Flight time
  • Range
  • Autonomous flight capabilities
  • Thermal imaging


Domestic drone surveillance

Even though domestic drone surveillance is permitted, there are stringent regulations in place to ensure that drones are not used to invade the privacy of any person or entity or used in criminal acts.

The SACAA enforces the following:

  • It is prohibited to fly a drone 10 kilometres or closer to an airport without permission from the SACAA.and have an ROC registered to fly in controlled airspace.
  • It is prohibited to fly a drone within 50 metres from people or private property, without permission from the owner of the property.
  • Drones may not be flown at night, unless the pilot is ROC registered for night operations.
  • Drones may not be flown inside or over national parks, unless the company and/or pilot is ROC listed to fly in prohibited and restricted airspace.


Drone Security Guard

Even though drone technology may not completely replace human force, there are several advantages to consider when making use of drone security guards.

Drones have proven themselves as capable tools in the security arsenal as well as in surveillance. Drones are more efficient communicators and with drone security guards, there is timely, efficient understanding of the pertinent details, communication, and the assignment of actions needed in response to an event.

Drone security guards react faster, can be navigated to a certain area faster and more strategically, and can provide details of the event directly and in real-time through the drone security system.


Drone Security System

With the increasing need for automation, drone security systems have gained a substantial amount of popularity. Drone security guards have gained more attraction with customers attempting to reduce the cost of human guards in addition to improving efficiency.

There are higher enquiries for drone security systems in 2021, with increases having started in 2020 because drones provide a substantial amount more reliability than the human factor.

However, the human factor cannot be eliminated entirely, but with drone technology, less personnel is needed, and they can work remotely.

In addition, there has been an increase in the demand for drone patrol security, which uses artificial intelligence, sophisticated cameras, and heat sensors which allows for advance data transmissions in real-time.

Business owners have started exploring the superiority and ingenuity that drone patrol security and systems offer, with less labour needed and increased efficiency and accuracy.


Drone Farm Security

Drones have a future across all sectors, including the agriculture sector. However, according to developments and current statistics, drone farm security is set to peak by 2026, according to analysts.

There is increased demand in the agricultural sector with costs of drones decreasing systematically. Drones used for farm security increase overall efficiency as they form a part of ‘smart farming’. They help many farmers deal with a wide range of challenges including guesswork and uncertainty.

The success attributed to farming often relies on a plethora of factors that farmers have truly little control over such as weather, soil conditions, temperatures, diseases, precipitation, and numerous others.

The key in efficiency lies in the ability of the farmer to adjust to these conditions and this furthermore relies on the availability and accuracy of real-time information. With drone technology, farmers can increase their crop yields, save time, ensure security on the farm from humans, pests, and other factors, and more.


Frequently Asked Question

Yes, they can. Drones can easily and effortlessly be used in security due to advancement in technology and the endless benefits that they bring to the industry.

Drones may not be flown within 50m of any person or private property. They are prohibited from being used domestically to see into the homes of other people.

By making use of:

  • Drone detector mobile apps.
  • Night vision cameras that have motion detection.
  • Microwave motion sensors.
  • Radar detection systems.
  • By making use of a radio to detect a signal pattern or frequency emitted by the drone.

Yes, it can be tracked through ActiveTrack and tracked by the owner of the drone.

Some drones have a maximum altitude setting that will prevent the drone from gaining altitude, resulting in the drone hovering in place at this height.

Drones for commercial and private use are prohibited from flying at night. However, there are drones that make use of night vision cameras and thermal technology that fly at night. Pilots are, however, required to have special permission and licenses to operate at night.